Wednesday 30 September 2015

African Mango Health Benefits For us

What it Ango? Perhaps many of you who are unfamiliar with the terms of this Ango. Yes, according name, the Ango is one type of fruit from the endemic areas of Africa, precisely the area Cameroon. Ango sendisi actually no different shape than the ordinary mango fruit, the fruit turns Ango just has a lot of properties and health benefits for the body. Ango itself is one fruit that is consumed by the population local umm Cameroon. New - Recently, many researchers are interested in studying the efficacy and also the important benefits of Ango.

Nutrient content

The most important benefit of this Ango fruit is extremely high in fiber kandungna. Very high fiber content contained in this Ango was able to make a person hungry for a longer period of time. This is because the substances named Gabonesis Irvingia. Irvinia can help trigger the production of enzymes leptin, which can improve the settings on the brain about hunger. With the increased production of leptin, then in iakan make identifying the emergence of satiety become longer.

Being able to withstand hunger longer, then indirectly, a person will not consume too much food, which ultimately will affect their weight. This then led to the conclusion, that the fruit of this Ango have the properties that are very effective for those who want to lose or maintain your weight remains ideal.

Currently, many drugs - drugs and herbal supplements are made using extracts from this Ango, with many sekli benefits. Besides having good benefits to help keep hunger, Ango was sendir also has several other important benefits. Here are some of the important benefits of Ango:

Increase body metabolism
Facilitate the digestive process of the body
Is able to help eliminate toxins in the body
Can increase the intake of energy for the body
Very high antioxidant content
Increasing endurance
Prevent some diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, and diabetes
Does not cause harmful side effects
That's some of the benefits and also the main properties of the fruit Ango. Hopefully this article can be useful and can also add your insight.

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