Wednesday 30 September 2015

Green Apple Health Benefits For us

Benefits of green apple is actually very powerful for those of you who are on a diet, want healthy eyes and a healthy body. Apples became one of the fruits that are easily found and loved by many people. Apples are not seasonal fruit that only grows in some time. There are many types of apples one of which is the fruit of apple green or so-called 'Apel Malang'. This designation comes as green apple fruit grows in the city of Malang. The difference between Red and green apples are located on the flavor, color, and shape. Green apples have a more sour taste, her skin is green, and the shape is more rounded.

Green Apple Nutrient

Just like other fruit, green apple fruit contains nutrients which lead to benefits - benefits that are not small. Both for in terms of health and other benefits. Green Apples contain Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K. The fruit is often cooked into these chips also contain Panthotenic Acid and Folate. These are the facts and benefits of the Green Apple for health:

Benefits of Green Apple

Benefits of green apple very powerful tool for a variety of health problems, such as eye healthy, diet, energy sources, and prevent many dangerous diseases with antioxidants.

1. Can Green Apple Healthy eyes

Vitamin A in the Green Apple has a sufficient amount or less and no more. Vitamin A This makes the eyes healthier. Vitamin A itself is not to be too much as it can make the cells - the cells in our bones broken. And it will bear the work of Vitamin D that we consume.

2. Green Apple Gives sufficient energy

Solid activity would make us have to always prepare daily maximum energy. Green Apples also give us enough energy to move. Vitamin B1 in Green Apples help to change the intake of carbohydrates we eat into energy.

3. Green Apple as antioxidants and free radicals

Green Apple benefits not only that, this fruit also provide antioxidants and counteract the growth of free radicals on our body. This is because of Folate and Vitamin B2. So the disease - a dangerous disease also away. Disease - a dangerous disease is cancer, heart attacks, and tumors.

4. Green Apples Rich in water intake

Green apple has plenty of water intake coupled with Vitamin B6 flowing in minerals in this apple. An adequate intake of minerals in the body make strong mineral to filter cholesterol. As we know, the bad cholesterol in the body can increase the risk of stroke.

5. Green Apple Can Improve the body's tissues

Vitamin C in the Green Apple is useful for repairing damaged tissue. One was part of cells - skin cells which easily can be damaged due to lifestyle also lingkuan circumstances. Coupled with Vitamin E, a meal will beautify our skin. This may be in addition to the women who are confused how to care for the skin to remain soft over time.

6. Green Apple to prevent bleeding

Green Apple benefits from the other is to avoid bleeding in our body. Bleeding is indeed a serious problem when it occurs in our body. Vitamin K in Green Apple who would help avoid the bleeding. Not a bit of bleeding in the body that cause serious illness and loss of life.

7. Green Apple Digestion

Green apples into one of the fruits that contain high fiber. It affects the digestive process in the body that smoothly. Or it could be said to be a cure for those who suffer from constipation. Eat regularly.

8. Green Apple Making healthy hair

In the presence of sufficient mineral intake and also contains Vitamins C and E, then consuming fruit Green Apple could also benefit the health of the hair where raambut will be soft and protected from dandruff.

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9. Effective Green Apple Healthy teeth

Green apple fruit chew will make teeth stronger and healthier. This is because the teeth become trained and supported by the content of vitamin K which becomes vitamin that strengthen teeth.

10. Green Apple Avoiding disease Alzhaimer

Disease Alzhaimer be scary disease because of poor long-term effects even dapatt make someone lose their lives due to senility. Green Apples can avoid this disease because the nutrients are many.

11. Green Apple Prevent Parkinson

Because it is rich in antioxidants, consume Green Apple also benefit so that we avoid the disease called Parkinson.

It is important to prevent Parkinson's:

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12. Green Apple Powerful Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is a problem that often come to some people what the disease can be hereditary. Green apples also have a positive effect on this disease because of Vitamin B1 in it will help us. But of course supported by the lifestyle as well.

13. Green Apple Diet and Food Alternatives

Apples can indeed be a meal replacement diet penggaanti afternoon or evening. It is suitable for those of you who want to indulge in weight. Benefits apples one of which is to give full effect that can give you the ideal body.

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In Indonesia itself is not difficult to get a green apple fruit that is grown in Indonesia or Apel Malang. The price also still be said to be economical. But not a few who claim less interested in the Green Apple because it tastes more sour. But the benefits of these fruits can be a reassessment of you to consume them regularly or not. In addition to being chips, Green Apple can also be used as juice, jam, and dodol. So we will not get bored eating this fruit.

The effect of eating this fruit so far does not exist. It just depends on the person's health condition. Because it contains abundant Vitamin C, Green Apple consumed in large quantities can be can make diarrhea because the stomach is not strong to accept it, the overall benefits of green apple is very good for health.

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