Wednesday 30 September 2015

Health Benefits of Fruit Cantaloupe for us

Cantaloupe is a fruit that often appear in the month of Ramadan. In addition to refreshing, cantaloupe has a distinctive feature for the health of the body. Fruit melon similar to this, is a plant that is often found in Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia. Cantaloupe fruit is usually consumed with how to serve mixed drinks. In fact, there is also a use in a way made like pumpkin compote. The price is cheap, tasty but this quality, makes it much sought after people

The content in the fruit Cantaloupe

Composition benefits cantaloupe fruit itself contains so many nutrients. Cantaloupe fruit known to have minerals and vitamins as well as dietary fiber has many benefits to increase endurance. The Journal of Food Science observes that, 100 grams of cantaloupe contains on average:

Vitamin A - 3382IU (sufficient up to 68% of the daily requirement of vitamin A)
Vitamin C - 36.7 mg (61% meet the daily requirement of vitamin C)
Mineral Potassium - 267 mg (8% meet the daily requirement of potassium)
Folate - as much as 21 mcg (5% meet daily requirement for folate)
Magnesium - 12.69 mg
Manganese - 0.03 mg
Copper - 0.05 mg
Zinc - 0.10 mg
Cobalt - 0.003 mg
Chrome - 0.005 mg
Of the contents that the nutritional value, comes the privileges of this cantaloupe fruit. Certainly his usefulness was so strongly felt for those who consume it regularly. The benefits of cantaloupe fruit, among others:

1. Lose Weight

Cantaloupe able to lose weight, because the fruit cantaloupe has a low content of sugar and calories. Therefore it is better if the cantaloupe fruit consumed during a diet program, that is able to maintain a healthy body.

2. Lowering Blood Pressure

Potassium content, the benefits of vitamin C and potassium in cantaloupe helps in lowering blood pressure, in addition also useful for controlling blood pressure. Even these fruits contain no cholesterol at all. Therefore, cantaloupe is very safe for people who have cholesterol problems and high blood pressure.

3. Lowering Cholesterol

The high vitamin C in fruit cantaloupe benefit is able to reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood to maintain cardiovascular health. Vitamin C is also useful for preventing blood clots and can strengthen the capillary walls.

4. Prevent Heart Disease

Benefits of cantaloupe which has a high vitamin C, is believed to prevent heart disease. In fact it can maintain the health of the lungs and pembuluhdarah. RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) himself advised us that taking beta-carotene, sekitar5-6mg per day to maintain a healthy heart. The content can be perceived by consuming this cantaloupe fruit, on a regular basis so that the heart healthy.

5. Prevent Cancer Risk

If less consuming foods that contain nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin C and folic acid, it can be risky terkenan uterine cancer. But if eating a cantaloupe, then cancer can be prevented because the fruit cantaloupe has 3 essential nutrients that.

6. Overcoming Insomnia

Fruit cantaloupe has sedative properties which these properties is beneficial for patients with insomnia. The sedative properties as well as sleeping pills. So for insomniacs, it is good to eat cantaloupe that can counteract the insomnia. In addition, the benefits of chocolate also gives the effect of tranquility that will make it easier to sleep.

7. Overcoming the Maag

Cantaloupe eating fruit regularly can cope with lack of appetite and heartburn. Moreover, if presented in the form of juice, the ulcer will more easily overcome because it becomes easier to digest.

8. Maintain Eye Health

The content of vitamin A in the fruit cantaloupe able to maintain the health of the eye which is the sense of sight to the body, if consumed regularly. In addition, the benefits of vitamin A are also useful to prevent the effects of free radicals caused by contaminated air.

9. Maintaining Skin Health

Combinations of vitamins A and C are found in cantaloupe fruit, the fruit has the ability to maintain healthy skin even able to prevent premature aging. Moreover, vitamin C is also able to help the synthesis of collagen. As is known, free radicals never stopped attacking our skin. Therefore vitamin A, C, and vitamin E's benefits, is needed as an antidote. Cantaloupe fruit contain all the vitamins anti-radical.

10. Healthy Fetus

Benefits of cantaloupe contains folic acid, which is needed by a healthy fetus. High folate content on this cantaloupe fruit, helping to maintain and produce new cells are very important for pregnant women to the health of the mother and fetal growth.

11. Smooth Digestion

Eating a cantaloupe can aid digestion and is able to maintain urinary tract health, including preventing infection in the urinary tract. Therefore, cantaloupe fruit contain vitamin A and dietary fiber in the fruit.

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