Wednesday 30 September 2015

Health Benefits of Fruit Cermai for us

Not many people know this one fruit. Fruit Cermai or which has the Latin name 'Phyllanthus Acidos' is a fruit that does not grow in any tempaat. The shape of this fruit as a dense flowers bright yellow greenish and whitish yellow flesh part. The meat is juicy and has a flavor that is quite acidic and sour. Fruit preserves Cermai more often used because it tastes sour. Of course, this fruit has a favorable benefit to our health.

Nutrient content of fruit Cermai

Judging from the womb, Cermai fruit contains Vitamin C which is high in calories, minerals, carbohydrates, crude fiber, kalisum, phosphorus, iron, thiamin, and ribloflavin in the flesh.

The content of leaves Cermai

While in the leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols. Then at the roots contain saponin, Acid Galus, Samak substances, and toxic.

Benefits Cermai

The following benefits of the fruit cermai favorable for our health:

Treating Constipation
Cermai fruit health benefits for the first is to treat constipation. Because it contains a lot of vitamin C, fruit Cermai have benefits for digestion and constipation. Just like other fruits high in vitamin C, the fruit is suitable to be consumed for colon cleansing.

Overcoming Asthma
For people with asthma, the good news for you. Cermai fruit because it can treat asthma. The trick with six pieces of fruit seeds merebuh Cermai with several glasses of water. Add onion, root kara, longan, and a little sugar to taste. Drink until the breath was recovered.

Relieve Cancer
The most amazing, fruit Cermai also has benefits for our health, especially for people with cancer. Treatment of cancer diseases was costly not sediki. Cermai fruit consumption but try to get a good result. Cermai fruit boiled with a mixture of leaves Belimbing, lote Upas, Bluebird Cing, and sugar. Then drink.

For cancer either:

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Healthy skin
Vitamin C contained in fruit Cermai benefits for our skin. The skin will be bright, clean and soft. Vitamin C is essential for skin health affairs. Therefore try to consume this fruit in any form due to the high Vitamin Cnya. What else for those who have problems with acne and dull skin.

Good for the skin:

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As Slimming
Because digestion, Cermai fruit into pieces that can help slimming. Did you know that food can make stomach acid become thinner? Well, fruit Cermai which has a sour taste also can make the stomach becomes more compact when consumed regularly. This is because it is supported tertaur digestion and appetite eased as a sour taste in the tongue.

Good for slimming:

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Adding Immune
Cermai fruit contains nutrients that can add to our immune system. Enough nutrients to supplement your diet routine. It is also due to flavonoids that make antioxidants. But do not be too excessive consume.

It is important to immune:

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Healthy bones
Another benefit is the fruit Cermai can nourish the bone. Calcium and iron contained in this fruit can help heal the bone in order to continue strong and nonporous. The bones will be stronger.

Important for the bones:

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Well To Pertubuhan
Fruit Cermai be a good fruit consumption and does not disturb the growth. It is precisely this fruit is a fruit that is good to help the growth due to the many nutritional content.

To treat asthma and cancer, especially dahula please ask the doctor. Because the effects received can differ - depending on the condition of the disease and the patient. Ask whether your condition is adequate for a given alternative intake. Cermai fruit that has a shape like a fruit wine does have a lot of nutrients, but also too much he advised not to eat the fruit is what more when consuming processed.

Carbohydrates are not so much to make this fruit is not so filling for consumption. At a glance when looking at the tree where the fruit Cermai grow, we will immediately imagine the form of the growth of fruit wines. Cermai fruit usually berdampingin each other and grow lined up neatly. Ripeness can be seen from the yellow color of different - different. But nonetheless, want raw or too ripe, it will remain sour, fruit is grown in many countries including Indonesia so we can enjoy the benefits of fruit cermai

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