Wednesday 30 September 2015

Health Benefits of Pomegranate For us

Perhaps many of us who do not know the benefits of pomegranate. Pomegranate is a fruit that comes from the middle east country, which used to be planted in loose soil but not much water. The fruit has three types, there are white, red and green. The benefits of pomegranate are also often used in diet foods for salads or made into syrup. Such as natural food in general, the benefits of pomegranate are also abundant as well kandunga substance in it.

The content of nutrients that can be given by a pomegranate, a positive effect on health. Some benefits of the pomegranate, including 1) 2):

1. Dental Care

One of the best benefits of pomegranate is bahwajus pomegranate memilikisifat antibacterial and antiviral properties that will help to reduce the effects of dental plaque and protect against various diseases of the mouth.

2. Maintain Heart Health

An experiment conducted in 2005 by 45 patients with coronary heart disease showed that pomegranate juice drinks daily were given three months to make blood flow more smoothly and the heart to the lower risk of heart attack. The study did not say what the results mean for conditions such as heart attack, thus reported positive results could be down by chance.

3. Carotid artery stenosis

A good study of 2004 patients with carotid artery stenosis (narrowed arteries) found that a glass of pomegranate juice daily (50 ml) for three years reduced the damage caused by cholesterol in the arteries, and also reduce cholesterol. However, this effect is not clearly understood to conditions such as stroke.

4. Prevent Prostate Cancer

One small study in 2006 found that drinking 227 ml of pomegranate juice daily will significantly slow the progress of prostate cancer in men with recurrent prostate cancer. , But further research is needed to find evidence to support these findings.

5. Coping with Stomach Disorders

Peel the pomegranate and used to soothe stomach upset or diarrhea caused by any type of digestive problems. Drinking tea made from the leaves of the fruit also helps in curing digestive problems. Pomegranate juice is also used to deal with problems such as dysentery and cholera.

6. Avoid Anemia

Healthy blood flow can be maintained in the body by eating this fruit in any form. Pomegranate supplies for iron in the blood, will help reduce the symptoms of anemia, including fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and hearing loss.

7. Prevent Osteoarthritis

Pomegranate helps reduce diseases of various forms including atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. Damage caused by the thickening and hardening of the arteries, cartilage and joints can be cured by eating this fruit. Pomegranate can prevent the formation of enzymes responsible for the connective tissue in the body.

Pomegranate Juice Benefits For Skin

Pomegranate juice, can be a secret formula to get healthy skin, here are some of them 3):

8. Anti-Aging

Diet pomegranate juice may help slow the aging process that reduces wrinkles and fine lines caused by sun exposure. It also will help maintain the regeneration of skin cells and preventing the occurrence of excessive pigmentation and dark spots.

9. Suitable For All Skin Types

Pomegranate juice can work magic for dry skin. The structure of small molecules will penetrate deep into the skin to provide sufficient moisture and hydration to the skin. Therefore the pomegranate juice will soothe dry and irritated skin. Pomegranate juice is also beneficial for oily prone skin. Application of pomegranate juice on oily skin to prevent acne outbreaks and control sebum production.

10. Helps Heal Wounds

Pomegranate helps in the regeneration of skin cells in the epidermis and dermis skin layer. Pomegranate juice has the ability to accelerate the wound healing process. Even the pomegranate seed oil is loaded with nutrients, skin friendly will be useful for strengthening and regeneration of the epidermis. It also protects skin from the sun and heal the damage caused to the skin due to sun exposure are continuous.

11. Improve Skin Texture

Pomegranate is also known to extend the life of fibroblasts responsible for the production of collagen which tightens the skin and prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen will give strength and support to the skin. Pomegranate is also very useful to lighten skin color. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day to make uneven skin tone.

12. Brighten Skin Color

Mix 1 teaspoon of the benefits of green papaya fruit, grape seed oil and grape seed extract with 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice and apply on the face. Let stand for about an hour and wash off with warm water. Use a cotton ball to apply the pomegranate juice directly on the face after cleansing.

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