Wednesday 30 September 2015

Chicken Liver Benefits for Health and Pregnancy

Do you like to eat chicken livers? Chicken liver is food that is readily available. But sometimes some people do not like to consume chicken livers because it feels very amen. In addition, some people also think that the chicken livers contain lots of cholesterol that are not good for health. But all of that statement was not entirely true. Chicken liver is a good source of food for health because it contains various types of substances needed by the body.

Nutritional Content of Chicken Liver

Chicken liver is the source of a variety of very important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B-12, minerals, folate and riboflavin.

Is Chicken Liver Safe for Consumption?

It has long been consumed chicken livers into one side dish choices. Chicken livers become a very important source of nutrients for the body. Various important substances found in chicken livers are protein, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B-12, various kinds of minerals (zinc, magnesium, and zinc), and the best source to overcome the body feels tired. So when seen in all the nutritional content, then chicken livers are very suitable for consumption.

Here are some health benefits for the chicken livers.

1. Chicken Liver for Maintaining Health

Chicken liver turned out to contain vitamin A to more than 120% in 1 ounce of chicken liver. The content of vitamin A in the liver that is high enough intake of chicken can be very good for eyesight. Vitamin A is needed by the eye to reduce the effects of poor lighting on the eye, reducing the risk of cataracts and various types of vision disorders. Besides vitamin A contained in chicken liver is also very beneficial for maintaining the immune system.

2. Chicken Liver Can Prevent Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's is a disease that is very frightening for everyone. This disease makes sufferers as having no identity and memory will decline significantly. Hearts diligently taking turns could be sufficient intake of vitamin B-12 needed by the body. Vitamin B-12 will make the body can regenerate quickly red blood cells so that the body becomes more fit and healthy. Besides vitamin B-12 also helps the body to improve the mental strength that is not easily affected by Alzheimer's.

3. Be Chicken Meets Pregnancy Nutrition

Pregnant women need folic substance with a higher amount than the ordinary woman. Folate in pregnant women is used to prevent pregnancy disorders and abnormalities in the fetus. In 1 ounce of chicken liver appeared to have folate content by more than 70 percent. Folate or vitamin B-9 in the chicken liver is very high so it is safe for consumption for pregnant women. Besides the chicken liver that contains folate is also very good for women who are undergoing pregnancy.

4. Chicken Hearts for Maintain Thyroid Gland

Chicken liver contains much selenium is very important to support the work of thyroid hormone system. Thyroid hormone is essential for maintaining the health of the body, including when the body has to fight toxins that enter from food or drink. Selenium in the chicken liver was also very good to fight the growth of cancer cells, maintain healthy bones and overcome fatigue.

5. Be Chicken Beneficial to Maintain Body Health

Repair of body tissues including tissues such as the skin is very important for the health of the body. Chicken livers contains riboflavin excellent for tissue repair in the body. Riboflavin deficiency condition is usually characterized by a split lip, damaged skin around the mouth and pain in the nose. All these symptoms indicate the body of riboflavin deficiency. By eating chicken liver on a regular basis then it can improve the health of body tissues.

6. Maintain Healthy Teeth and Bones with Chicken Liver

Have strong teeth and healthy will definitely make the body become fitter. Chicken liver appeared to have a phosphorus content with a value of more than 40 percent in 1 ounce serving. Phosphorus contained in chicken liver will have excellent benefits for the body. Phosphorus will assist the body in maintaining the growth of teeth and bones. In adults need sufficient phosphorus can also increase bone strength.

7. Be Chicken to Maintain Heart Health

If you think that the chicken livers contain a lot of cholesterol, then maybe you've made a mistake. In a study terbuksi that chicken liver can improve heart health by lowering the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is owned by the chicken livers are included in the healthy cholesterol that is essential for the body. Healthy cholesterol will be a source of energy for the body and increase the supply of red blood cells for the body.

8. Be Chicken Being Mineral Resources for the Body

Mineral become a very important requirement for the body. Minerals such as iron can be used for the formation of red blood cells. Iron is also useful to keep the flow of oxygen in the blood. Meanwhile a source of the mineral zinc is important to help the process of cell division, the process of DNA formation, accelerate wound healing, energy and repair body tissues. Chicken liver is a very complete source of minerals. Chicken livers contain zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.

9. Chicken Liver Flavor to Reduce Stress

Do you ever feel stressed? Stress is a condition of the body that is affected by a hormone called cortisol. If the condition is not stable then most likely occur in the body of the production of the adrenal gland that is not balanced. if the adrenal gland is functioning properly then there is some system of the hormones that will relieve stress. To support the work of the adrenal glands, the consumption of chicken liver can be done on a regular basis.

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10. Chicken Liver to Help Male Fertility

Fertility problems often be a scary thing for everyone. Chicken livers which contains pantothenic acid proved to have good benefits to support the work of the adrenal system. When the adrenal glands working properly, the system of hormones including testosterone increases. Chicken liver also has the potential to increase the endurance of men and also to increase fertility.

Basically the consumption of chicken liver is very safe for health, but you also have to consider how to cook. How to cook the chicken until cooked liver will prevent food from toxins, bacteria or germs that cause disease.

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Chicken Liver Side Effects

But consuming chicken liver in excessive amounts is also not good for health. Some chicken liver excess risk is increasing to excessive levels of vitamin A in the body. If this happens, it can cause food poisoning. Pregnant women also should not consume excessive chicken liver because it can cause damage to the organs of the fetus.

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