Wednesday 30 September 2015

Duck Meat Benefits For Our bodies

Ducks are animals that entered the poultry species. Duck is a close relative with chicken, birds, and also geese. Poultry which one is classified as an animal that likes to live in groups. The famous duck has good quality eggs and meat savory and delicious.

In addition it seems that indulge tongue, duck meat also has a myriad of benefits. Here will be some of the benefits of duck meat for the body:

1. Maintaining muscle performance - Duck meat contains sodium as much as 3%, according to the needs of the body that serves to maintain the stability of muscle performance.

2. Maintain physical and mental health - Duck meat mangandung copper mineral that serves to maintain physical and mental health of the body

3. Prevent anemia - iron is usually obtained from the many benefits of spinach, but the benefits of duck meat also contains iron. Iron is useful to meet the needs of hemoglobin in the body and prevent anemia.

4. Treating hoarse voice - a high mineral content in the duck meat is able to relieve sore throat that makes hoarseness. It is also widely available from various kinds of benefits of fruits.

5. Dispose of flatulence - The vitamin niacin in duck able to dispose of the gases that accumulate in the stomach.

6. Adding a healthy weight - Duck meat has a fairly high fat content, so it is very effective to raise the weight fast, healthy and natural.

7. Beautify the skin - fat contained in meat ducks can moisturize the skin, so the skin becomes fresh and beautiful.

8. Healthy hair - Duck meat also contains vitamin riboflacin that serves to maintain the fertility and health of the hair. It is like the benefits of celery leaves that serve to nourish the hair.

9. Smooth nervous system - The need for vitamin pantotenatdalamtubuh acid that serves to fuel the performance of nerve fulfilled either because eating duck meat.

10. Smooth the digestive system - not only seen on the benefits of vegetables, niacin contents in duck meat benefits also serve to aid digestion.

11. Adding vitality in men - Substances thiamine in the duck meat is able to facilitate the circulation of nerve and simultaneously maintaining vitality in men.

12. Improving the immune system - Duck meat contains zinc mineral that serves to enhance the natural immune system of the body such as the benefits of vitamin C.

13. Helping the body's metabolic system - Duck meat also contains vitamin B6 which serves launched metabolism in the body.

14. As an antioxidant in the body - Selium that act as antioxidants in the body are also included in the nutritional content of duck meat.

15. Maintaining the stability of blood pressure - Duck meat contains sodium mineral types that can optimize blood pressure.

16. Meeting the needs vitamin B12 - Duck meat contains vitamin B12 by 13%, the amount is very fitting with the necessary needs of the body.

17. Assist the work of enzymes in the body - as much as 15% Pantothenic acid can also be fulfilled by eating duck meat. Pantothenic acid is functioning expedite the performance of enzymes in the body.

18. Helps to warm up the body temperature - a high fat content in meat duck will be able to warm up the cold.

19. Strengthen teeth and bones - Duck meat also contains high phosphorus mineral types so as to maintain healthy teeth and bones.

20. Adequate protein needs - high protein in the duck meat Telam also able to meet the needs of proteins in the body.

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