Wednesday 30 September 2015

Health Benefits of Fruit Carica For us

For the people of Indonesia, some of us are not so familiar with the fruit of this one. Carica fruit was hard to find because it only grows on the plateau - a plateau. It means that the fruit of Carica only grows at high altitude and have a cold temperature or in the mountains. Carica fruit for health benefits is not a little, but so immense that we can use it.

About Fruit Carica

The fruit was first discovered in the United States is in Indonesia itself only grows in the Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, East Java. But there are some well ever found in Bali. Because it only grows in the Dieng Plateau, the fruit is difficult to obtain, and we are not easily found in any supermarket. Fruit that has such physical Papaya fruit has many benefits behind the difficulty of finding this fruit.

Carica fruit nutrition content

Not many people know the efficacy of fruit Carica for health and just know that this fruit has a sour taste and a fresh course. Padahalbuah Carica contain a lot of fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, enzymes papain, and Calcium are certainly beneficial for our body. Well, the content - the content is exactly what makes the fruit of Carica has many benefits. Here are 10 properties Carica fruit is good for health or other:

Benefits of carica

Carica fruit benefits for health and for a variety of common factors can be utilized for various aspects of life. Let us examine best.

Giving business area
Indirectly, fruit that only grows in the highlands of this gives a special business area for the residents who live in the area. Carica fruit has many functions as food because it can be processed into many kinds. Such as jams, preserves, syrups, chips, up lunkhead. Wonosobo own citizens who make a lot of cottage industries that process and sell the fruit Carica.

Can be skin medicine
Fruit Carica also have efficacy for treating skin diseases. According to residents of Wonosobo, Carica fruit in America there is used as medicine for skin lesions in the form of drugs - drugs. But in Wonosobo, there is no drug that process into skin diseases because of their understanding and knowledge is still lacking.

Fruit for other skin:

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Being cosmetics and skin care
Not only for skin medication, Carica fruit can form collagen in the body. So that the fruit is also be used in cosmetics and skin care. The resulting collagen can make skin smooth and protected from premature aging such as avoiding wrinkles on the face and body. Eating regularly will certainly berfek great on our skin.

Gives freshness
Carica fruit that have been processed or unprocessed also gives freshness to the body because it has a delicious flavor. Carica unprocessed fruit does not give as much pleasure that has been processed because it tastes sour. Most are like the fruit of Carica processed.

As with other fruit, fruit Carica containing Vitamin C and high fiber has a property for digestion in the body. Residents Wonosobo eating this fruit as a raw routinely asupa for their digestion.

Fruit for digestion:

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Colon cleanse
Because it can aid digestion, it also means carica fruit can cleanse our colon organ naturally. To gut itself, Carica fruit can eliminate bad bacteria because it can balance the acidity or pH in our intestines.

Important for colon cleansing:

Benefits of cucumber
Nourish the eyes
Carica fruit can also nourish the eyes because they contain Vitamin A. Many thought that Vitamin A is only present in carrots is not it? Carica fruit can be another intake to replace the carrots so that the eyes remain healthy. Especially for those of you who do not like vegetables carrots.

Good for the eyes:

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Benefits of carrots
Eliminating xeropthalmia
The residents believe that the fruit of Carica Wonsosobo can also eliminate night blindness disease. As before, the fruit Carica containing Vitamin A can help sufferers of night blindness gradually recover.

Adding metabolism
Carica fruit also has properties in metabolism in the body to add to it. Fiber content of nutrients and vitamins Calcium also helps the body to physically pick the more powerful and protected from viruses also bacteria. Especially because of the presence of Vitamin B Complex.

Giving warmth
In America, the fruit of Carica also has properties to warm the body. They cultivate the fruit to serve alcoholic beverages. According merekaa, the taste of alcoholic beverages of fruit is very delicious. But in Indonesia certainly no one has process into alcohol.

Carica fruit in Indonesia

Carica fruit often referred to as 'Papaya Mountain'. The tree alone was almost the same as papaya. Fruit shape has a yellow color etrang as well as with the meat, and that is the difference in addition to the location of the growth. In addition carica fruit seeds are smaller than the seeds of papaya and passionfruit seeds also approached as slimy. Fruit Carica has sap that is thick and should be washed three times before consumption or processing. Wonosobo society who cultivate wear gloves to avoid being hit sap. For Carica fruit sap can cause itching - itching and irritation when touched.

Carica fruit production Dieng Plateau has entered the international market. We can meilihat trees - fruit trees Carica what if the visit directly to Dieng. In addition we can also see instantly how to process the fruit of Carica into various foods. To the effect itself, until now there has been no. Unless they wash the fruit is less clean and make the lips itching - itching. Tapu calm, residents Wonosobo been very understanding how to properly wash this fruit. Prices of fruit Carica not expensive and very economical considering the remarkable properties.

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