Wednesday 30 September 2015

Snail meat health benefits for us

Benefits of snail meat may be a very fierce debate in many countries, because this animal is unusual in eating. Snails can also be called slugs or snails. Many are also calling snail as Tutut. Although physically different in form, but they are all equally come from families of mollusks, and the same - the same shells as their residence.

Nutritional content of meat Snails

There are some researchers who said that the snail meat 100gr, 12gr contains animal protein, and it turned out to contain only 1% fat. Making it suitable as an alternative to the usual red meat you consume.

Actually what is the benefit of the snail meat? Let's look at them one by one.

Good for muscle development
Why the snail meat is good for muscle growth? This was caused by the content of protein and amino acid content is high enough in the snail meat. Already know the function of the protein and amino acids? Yes, for you are a fitness mania, this substance is important to add mass ototo and could help muscle development aga better.

However, snails are not only useful for you the fitness mania, snail meat is certainly also useful for those of you who are not fitness mania. Animal protein can make your muscles more developed, and if your muscles are more developed, then your physical strength will be better again.

Cure asthma
Actually there has been no scientific studies that say that the substance - a substance contained in the snail meat can cure asthma. But there are some cases and testimony from the public saying that the snail meat can help the process in curing asthma.

Give snail meat routinely in patients with asthma, then over time, the symptoms of asthma patient will disappear, and eventually the asthma sufferer is cured. It's been a lot of sharing experiences about the benefits of this snail meat.

Curing TB Disease
Such as respiratory disease of asthma can be cured if it is true snail meat consumed on a regular basis even though scientific research has not been found. Still from a disease that attacks the respiratory and make shortness of breath, turns snail meat can also help you fell ill with TB disease. Logically, if the snails can cure asthma, it is true snail meat can also help cure tuberculosis, which incidentally also attacks the respiratory section.

Still the same, although there has been no scientific research on this subject, however it turns out, many also testimony of TB patients who say that the snail meat can help the healing of tuberculosis.

Important For Tbc:

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Curing Diseases Itching - Itching and Pain Skin
In East Java, the snail made dishes such as snail skewers, with extra peanut sauce. In East Java, snail satay is believed to cure itching - itching and other skin diseases, such as scabies and lice water.

People believe that by consuming snail meat, will make the itching - itching and skin diseases they suffered healed. Still, there is still no scientific studies that support it. But public confidence that has its own power, so that many said that after eating snail meat, itching - itching they suffered could be lost.

Good for treating itchy:

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Relieves Heartburn
As was informed earlier, Tutut, a close relative of the snail is also consumed in the form su berkuah much. Usually a sauce of Tutut is formulated from herbs - herbs mainstay of Indonesia, such as ginger and turmeric. Mangkonsumsi Tutut berkuah herb soup turned out to have its own benefits. Besides you can get the benefits already mentioned above, this soup can also be used to relieve heartburn.

It is more due to the content of the herb contained in the soup. However, with the addition of meat Tutut, then you will feel the herbal soup very unique taste, and it was very delicious taste.

Both to reduce heat in:

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Good For The Treatment of Liver and Hepatitis
Lots of Clinical - alternative medicine clinic that recommends eating certain meats untu cure the disease. One is the snail meat. Some alternative medicine clinic advise their patients to consume snails to help cure liver disease and hepatitis.

Can be used for the treatment of liver:

Benefits ant japan
The benefits of noni
That was a few benefits of snail meat. Although there are many benefits snail proven scientifically, but in fact a lot of testimony and recognition of the community that the snail meat has exceptional properties. Suggestion? I have no idea. Regardless of it all, every animal products that can be consumed must have its own benefits for those who consume them. With benefits like that, if you are interested in trying snail meat taste?

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