Wednesday 30 September 2015

Health Benefits of Pomegranate For us

Perhaps many of us who do not know the benefits of pomegranate. Pomegranate is a fruit that comes from the middle east country, which used to be planted in loose soil but not much water. The fruit has three types, there are white, red and green. The benefits of pomegranate are also often used in diet foods for salads or made into syrup. Such as natural food in general, the benefits of pomegranate are also abundant as well kandunga substance in it.

Duku Fruit Benefits For Our bodies

Small round fruit that is often consumed only as a dessert, but this fruit can be fully utilized as butter, stuffing puddings, and others. Duku unripe fruit greenish and sour taste, if already started a yellowish color, this is a sign that the fruit is ripe and has duku sweeter taste. Sometimes there who think that duku bitter, but the bitter taste produced if biting seeds inside.

Benefits of Durian in nutritional content

Benefits durian fruit is actually still not many people know about it. Durian is known for quite pungent aroma and everyone loved it. In fact, pungent fruit is a fruit native to Indonesia and although quite a pungent smell, there are many people who made addictive because it is so distinctive.

Cranberry Fruit for Health Benefits Our bodies

Hearing the word Cranberry surely we can imagine that this fruit has a sour taste because it belongs to a class berries or berries. True, fruits Cranberries indeed included in the class and have a sour taste too sour. The fruit has a rather expensive price for Indonesia as most here have not much to preserve this fruit crop.

Health Benefits of Fruit Cermai for us

Not many people know this one fruit. Fruit Cermai or which has the Latin name 'Phyllanthus Acidos' is a fruit that does not grow in any tempaat. The shape of this fruit as a dense flowers bright yellow greenish and whitish yellow flesh part. The meat is juicy and has a flavor that is quite acidic and sour. Fruit preserves Cermai more often used because it tastes sour. Of course, this fruit has a favorable benefit to our health.

Cherries Fruit for Health Benefits Our bodies

Cherry is a plant yielding seed that comes from the northern hemisphere and thrives in warm climates. Fruit is usually used to decorate this cake does have a relatively high price, but the level is still high demand for this fruit. Red fruit red when ripe it turns out to have multiple benefits for health.

Health Benefits of Fruit Cempedak for us

Who is like fruit with strong aroma of this? Fruit Cempedak glance is the same as the fruit Jackfruit. Where small prickly green skin and bright yellow flesh part. Cempedak fruit aromas and Jackfruit is the same - the same powerful yet more fruit Cempedak champion. Many say jack fruit aroma is almost the same as the Durian fruit.

Health Benefits of Fruit Carica For us

For the people of Indonesia, some of us are not so familiar with the fruit of this one. Carica fruit was hard to find because it only grows on the plateau - a plateau. It means that the fruit of Carica only grows at high altitude and have a cold temperature or in the mountains. Carica fruit for health benefits is not a little, but so immense that we can use it.

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits For us

Both the red dragon fruit or pitaya and white alike an extraordinary impact on the health of our bodies. By eating dragon fruit regularly will increase immunity and provide vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to our bodies.

Benefits and excellent dragon fruit content for a variety of things and the fulfillment of vitamins and minerals in the body. There are about 10 benefits of dragon fruit which will we learn more, the benefits of this fruit very much if consumed regularly it will bring positive effects to the body.

Health Benefits of Fruit Cantaloupe for us

Cantaloupe is a fruit that often appear in the month of Ramadan. In addition to refreshing, cantaloupe has a distinctive feature for the health of the body. Fruit melon similar to this, is a plant that is often found in Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia. Cantaloupe fruit is usually consumed with how to serve mixed drinks. In fact, there is also a use in a way made like pumpkin compote. The price is cheap, tasty but this quality, makes it much sought after people

Extraordinary benefits Starfruit

Starfruit is the fruit that comes from the area of ​​the country with a tropical climate. Yellowish fruit when it is ripe, the fruit forms a much-loved person. Star fruit taste is very refreshing, so it is often processed into a wide variety of recipes. Aside from the taste wagged his tongue, star fruit is also very good for health and also provide benefits for beauty.

Strawberries Fruit Benefits For Health and Beauty

Strawberries or which are usually also referred to as berries, fruit is usually consumed by the people of Indonesia. In Indonesia alone, strawberries fairly easy to find because this fruit can grow well even if grown in tropical climates such as Indonesia. In fact, strawberries pengembakbiakan is fairly easy and simple. In addition it does not require large tracts of land, strawberries can also be grown in large pots.

Green Apple Health Benefits For us

Benefits of green apple is actually very powerful for those of you who are on a diet, want healthy eyes and a healthy body. Apples became one of the fruits that are easily found and loved by many people. Apples are not seasonal fruit that only grows in some time. There are many types of apples one of which is the fruit of apple green or so-called 'Apel Malang'. This designation comes as green apple fruit grows in the city of Malang. The difference between Red and green apples are located on the flavor, color, and shape. Green apples have a more sour taste, her skin is green, and the shape is more rounded.

Green Apple Nutrient

Just like other fruit, green apple fruit contains nutrients which lead to benefits - benefits that are not small. Both for in terms of health and other benefits. Green Apples contain Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K. The fruit is often cooked into these chips also contain Panthotenic Acid and Folate. These are the facts and benefits of the Green Apple for health:

Benefits of Green Apple

Benefits of green apple very powerful tool for a variety of health problems, such as eye healthy, diet, energy sources, and prevent many dangerous diseases with antioxidants.

1. Can Green Apple Healthy eyes

Vitamin A in the Green Apple has a sufficient amount or less and no more. Vitamin A This makes the eyes healthier. Vitamin A itself is not to be too much as it can make the cells - the cells in our bones broken. And it will bear the work of Vitamin D that we consume.

2. Green Apple Gives sufficient energy

Solid activity would make us have to always prepare daily maximum energy. Green Apples also give us enough energy to move. Vitamin B1 in Green Apples help to change the intake of carbohydrates we eat into energy.

3. Green Apple as antioxidants and free radicals

Green Apple benefits not only that, this fruit also provide antioxidants and counteract the growth of free radicals on our body. This is because of Folate and Vitamin B2. So the disease - a dangerous disease also away. Disease - a dangerous disease is cancer, heart attacks, and tumors.

4. Green Apples Rich in water intake

Green apple has plenty of water intake coupled with Vitamin B6 flowing in minerals in this apple. An adequate intake of minerals in the body make strong mineral to filter cholesterol. As we know, the bad cholesterol in the body can increase the risk of stroke.

5. Green Apple Can Improve the body's tissues

Vitamin C in the Green Apple is useful for repairing damaged tissue. One was part of cells - skin cells which easily can be damaged due to lifestyle also lingkuan circumstances. Coupled with Vitamin E, a meal will beautify our skin. This may be in addition to the women who are confused how to care for the skin to remain soft over time.

6. Green Apple to prevent bleeding

Green Apple benefits from the other is to avoid bleeding in our body. Bleeding is indeed a serious problem when it occurs in our body. Vitamin K in Green Apple who would help avoid the bleeding. Not a bit of bleeding in the body that cause serious illness and loss of life.

7. Green Apple Digestion

Green apples into one of the fruits that contain high fiber. It affects the digestive process in the body that smoothly. Or it could be said to be a cure for those who suffer from constipation. Eat regularly.

8. Green Apple Making healthy hair

In the presence of sufficient mineral intake and also contains Vitamins C and E, then consuming fruit Green Apple could also benefit the health of the hair where raambut will be soft and protected from dandruff.

Good for hair:

Benefits of aloe vera
Benefits of using veil
The benefits of olive oil
9. Effective Green Apple Healthy teeth

Green apple fruit chew will make teeth stronger and healthier. This is because the teeth become trained and supported by the content of vitamin K which becomes vitamin that strengthen teeth.

10. Green Apple Avoiding disease Alzhaimer

Disease Alzhaimer be scary disease because of poor long-term effects even dapatt make someone lose their lives due to senility. Green Apples can avoid this disease because the nutrients are many.

11. Green Apple Prevent Parkinson

Because it is rich in antioxidants, consume Green Apple also benefit so that we avoid the disease called Parkinson.

It is important to prevent Parkinson's:

Benefits of Vitamin E
Benefits of coffee
Benefits salmon
12. Green Apple Powerful Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is a problem that often come to some people what the disease can be hereditary. Green apples also have a positive effect on this disease because of Vitamin B1 in it will help us. But of course supported by the lifestyle as well.

13. Green Apple Diet and Food Alternatives

Apples can indeed be a meal replacement diet penggaanti afternoon or evening. It is suitable for those of you who want to indulge in weight. Benefits apples one of which is to give full effect that can give you the ideal body.

It is important to diet:

Apple Benefits
The benefits of apple cider vinegar
The benefits of brown rice
Benefits potatoes
In Indonesia itself is not difficult to get a green apple fruit that is grown in Indonesia or Apel Malang. The price also still be said to be economical. But not a few who claim less interested in the Green Apple because it tastes more sour. But the benefits of these fruits can be a reassessment of you to consume them regularly or not. In addition to being chips, Green Apple can also be used as juice, jam, and dodol. So we will not get bored eating this fruit.

The effect of eating this fruit so far does not exist. It just depends on the person's health condition. Because it contains abundant Vitamin C, Green Apple consumed in large quantities can be can make diarrhea because the stomach is not strong to accept it, the overall benefits of green apple is very good for health.

Health Benefits of Apples Red For us

You must have heard the story of Cinderella who eat red apple granting of a grandmother and then fainted. Do not be the one you believe that the apple was poisoned after knowing the story. Precisely, red apples are very healthy and highly recommended for consumption. Apple is a fruit produced from the apple tree.

Benefits of Apples For Diet and Health

Benefits already famous apple as the fruit helps maintain the health and even prevents disease, certainly too powerful to diet. Who does not like apples? Beautiful fruit is widely consumed as a diet aid. What benefits we can get from an apple, let's discuss them one by one.

Black Grapes for Health Benefits

Wine is one type of fruit from the vines that have a lot of fruit. The wine itself is small, and usually come together in a series of pieces. The wine has many kinds, such as red wine, green, and black. Belonging to the types of berries, grapes is one type of fruit that a lot of vitamins and also nutrients that are good for our health.

Benefits and Side Effects eel meat

Animals that live in the tropics have little scales, can breathe in the air, which tends to smooth texture, has a tail fin that extends and has no ribs. Eel fish entered in the group, so that eel consumed by many people. Eel itself has a lot of nutritional value, as well as fish.

Snail meat health benefits for us

Benefits of snail meat may be a very fierce debate in many countries, because this animal is unusual in eating. Snails can also be called slugs or snails. Many are also calling snail as Tutut. Although physically different in form, but they are all equally come from families of mollusks, and the same - the same shells as their residence.

Duck Meat Benefits For Our bodies

Ducks are animals that entered the poultry species. Duck is a close relative with chicken, birds, and also geese. Poultry which one is classified as an animal that likes to live in groups. The famous duck has good quality eggs and meat savory and delicious.

Chicken Liver Benefits for Health and Pregnancy

Do you like to eat chicken livers? Chicken liver is food that is readily available. But sometimes some people do not like to consume chicken livers because it feels very amen. In addition, some people also think that the chicken livers contain lots of cholesterol that are not good for health. But all of that statement was not entirely true. Chicken liver is a good source of food for health because it contains various types of substances needed by the body.

Health Benefits of Chicken For us

Benefits of chicken meat which we feel directly is the presence of substances in chicken meat that can maintain the stability of our appetite. Therefore, it is natural if we become obsessed with eating chicken. Chicken is one of the dishes are very common and usually consumed by our majority population of Indonesia.

Benefits of Grapes For Body and Skin

The benefits of wine has been known long ago. Wine usually served simply as an ingredient or a recipe or used as a syrup. In the euro area has been cultivated wine 6,000 years ago. This herbaceous plant, unusual invitation living area high intensity with low rainfall. About 60 varieties of wine, consumed by the whole world.

Health Benefits of Avocados For us

Avocados are evidently important benefits for our health, many benefits of avocado we do not realize can help us prevent dangerous diseases and increase metabolism. Efficacy of an avocado is considered to be very varied ranging from the simple to the disease and highly dangerous diseases such as cancer that not only do we gain from the benefits of mangosteen peel and benefits of soursop.

Before we discuss in more detail about the benefits of avocado, it helps us recognize the various nutrients found in avocados.

Green Coconut Water Benefits For our Health

Who does not know coconuts, coconut Cocos nucifera has a Latin name. Coconut is a plant species belonging to the tribe of betel - a proposal (Arecaceae). Oil plants often found in coastal areas, while the coconut fruit is now very easy to get anywhere

Enthusiasts coconuts enough coconuts menpunyai causing economic value is high enough, it causes a lot of coconuts are sold in the market, as well as coconuts easily found anywhere. Enthusiasts coconuts higher because people know the many benefits contained in the palm fruit.

African Mango Health Benefits For us

What it Ango? Perhaps many of you who are unfamiliar with the terms of this Ango. Yes, according name, the Ango is one type of fruit from the endemic areas of Africa, precisely the area Cameroon. Ango sendisi actually no different shape than the ordinary mango fruit, the fruit turns Ango just has a lot of properties and health benefits for the body. Ango itself is one fruit that is consumed by the population local umm Cameroon. New - Recently, many researchers are interested in studying the efficacy and also the important benefits of Ango.

Health Benefits of Acai Berry to our body

Acai berry is one type of berry fruits, which in essence is often used by rural communities Amazon forest for thousands of years and still survive today. Acai berry itself is quite rarely heard in the ears of the people of Indonesia, because it is not a berry fruit native Indonesia, and also overshadowed by the type of berry fruits, such as strawberries, blackberries, and grapes.